100% 天竺葵 10ml Geranium

Model: ESAA10

存貨量 : 49



植物學名: Pelargonium graveolens
植物原產地: 印度
提煉方法: 蒸餾法
提煉植物部份: 花朵, 葉, 莖部
揮發性: 中 /高

平衡情緒, 壓力, 經痛, 更年期, 濕疹, 粉刺

這幾天很多朋友問我關於用天然方法,香薰消毒的問題,讓 Kat Lai 教你3分鐘DIY 天然香薰酒精搓手液!

Many friends ask us about using aromatherapy for antiseptic. Let our aromatherapy consultant “Kat Lai” teach you 3min DIY alcohol base aromatic Antiseptic spray!


I believe many people are fighting for antiseptic product and mask to protect your family! Actually, natural aromatherapy antiseptic spray is very easy to DIY!

100ml 70% alcohol base aromatic Antiseptic spray. 100毫升的70%天然香薰酒精搓手液


75% alcohol 酒精 - 90ml 

Glycerin 甘油 - 5ml

茶樹 Tea tree essential oil - 60 drops

天竺葵 Geranium essential oil  - 20 drops

羅文沙華葉 Ravensara essential oil -20 drops




It is really uncomfortable to wear the mask every day, do you agree?

It is better to add 1 drop of Geranium, Ravensara, Tea Tree on the folding sides of the mask. Wait until it dry, then you can use it. It can strengthen the anti-bacterial effect, while a refreshing smell can relieve the sensation!