S-curve shaping massage oil and face firming gel workshop

Model: SC191002

Quantity : 10

All countries

Product Description

It’s summer again! Isn’t it the perfect time to shape up this summer? A balanced diet and regular exercises could definitely help, and proper massage oil and gel will absolutely boost the speed to shape yourself perfectly.

Tutor: Jasmine

-      Practice aromatherapy for years

-      Developed more than 30 formulas of blended essential oil

-      Developed different aroma products such as natural gel, massage oil, blended oil, aroma stone, aroma tile, etc.

Course detail:

(The course will be taught in Cantonese)

-      Introduce the essential oils which could shape up body curve

-      Provide tips and info on using essential oil

-      Provide secret formula of highly effective firming oil

-    DIY S-curve shaping massage oil (50ml) and face firming gel (30ml)

Date: Please contact us at 23863588 or Whatsapp 97889378 for the class arrangement before payment

(1.5 hours)



  G/F, 19 New Market Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong.

Tuition: (Include material and certification of completion)

  $799 for one, $1,499 for two

Class size:

  6-10 persons

Should you have any enquiry, please Whatsapp 97889378 or visit DK Aromatherapy Facebook Page for more details.