Certificate Program DIY Workshop ~Introduction to Aromatherapy + any DIY 7 courses (Please call us to reserve your seat before y

Model: DIY1+7

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Product Description

Certificate Program

Introduction to Aromatherapy
(Cert Program Compulsory Segments)

Whitening and Brightening Natural Clay Mask Workshop (CL)

Hydrosols and Hydration Products Workshop (HD)

Eye Care Workshop (EY)

Face and Lip Care Workshop (FL)

Body Shaping (BS)

Personalized Fragrance/ Deodorant Workshop (DE)

Aromatherapy for Women Workshop (AW)

Winter Aromatherapy / Gifts DIY Workshop (WI)

Body Soul and Mind Refreshing Workshop (RF)

Cost :
Introduction to Aromatherapy + any 3 courses
Introduction to Aromatherapy + any 7 courses

Class duration depends on number of students. For details, please call 27712847.